Saturday, February 04, 2006

Super Bowl Sunday!

Tomorrow my roommates and I are going to a Super Bowl party at our old FHE brother's new apartment. So of you my remember that we had a Super Bowl party at our apartment last year and Audra ended up getting a black eye...Good times. We are bringing lots of food and I doubt we will watch much of the game. We just want to see the commercials! I am going to say that I hope the Seahawks are going to win; mostly because I don't know the name of the other team. This week was stressful for because of school and things like that. I was supposed to have two tests this week but they both got pushed back; thank goodness!

I am off to a bad start with my tutor. I was supposed to have my first appointment the Thursday before last but she canceled. Then this last Thursday she called and canceled again. We are meeting on Monday to make up for it, and I will still have my appointment this Thursday as well, but it does not give me much faith in her. I hope she can explain things REALLY well. I am glad January is over...It was really dragging there for awhile. Plus, February is a short month so hopefully it will fly by. I was feeling kind of depressed and overwhelmed this week so I got my nails done...I got French tips. I got them done at the beauty school here. Overall, I like them. They are not allowed to use the drill files there so everything has to be hand-filed. Which is nice because it does not damage your nails as much. Although I think the nails don't last as long that way. Oh, well...They are still okay, and they are a lot cheaper then if I had gotten them done at a salon.

That's pretty much all there is for now. As always, I hope everyone is doing well. Oh, and congratulations to Elizabeth who recently got a promotion at work! I think I'll put a quiz at the end of this post!

Your Nail Polish Color is Pink

How you're unique: You're girly without being high maintenance

Why your style rocks: You're the perfect blend of stylish, preppy, and cute

What this color says about you: "I am secure enough not to follow every trend"

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