Saturday, March 25, 2006

Boring Week...

There is not much to report this week. I only have five weeks until this semester ends and I cannot wait! Although I do have to say that I have a TON of work to do that I have only partially started. This next week is spring break for BYU-I so it should fly by. We have classes Monday through Wednesday and then get the rest of the week off. It's a short break but at least it is longer than last year's. Last year our spring break consisted of getting a Friday off. I don't really have any plans for this weekend...But I am hoping to finish a huge chunk of my homework so I don't have to worry about it later. Wish me luck!

As far as this week went...I did the class thing and the test thing. My back has been killing me all week. It has been so bad that I have had more trouble sleeping than usual. Granted, getting to sleep has always been a problem for me...But it seems worse when you can't sleep and you are in pain. I finally broke down and bought some pain killers. Hopefully they help. So tonight my roommates and I went and saw "The Chronicles of Narnia." I have seen it before, only once I think, and while I remember that I liked it...I didn't remember how much I liked it. This film was robbed of a special effects Oscar. I am sure King Kong is great and all...But this movie was made incredibly well. That's about it for this week...Next week's post will probably be short. Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Only Six Weeks Left!!!

Let's see...What did I do this week? Well, I got to talk to three of my friends from high school the other day. We all happened to be on IM at the same time (what are the odds?)! It was cool to catch up and see what people have been up to. Although I read Liz's blog, and talk to her now and then, so I have a general idea of how she is doing. I have not heard from Mike since graduation, and I haven't talked to Dana since 2002. So, it was nice to catch up on their lives...I still don't have one.

On Thursday I went to Idaho Falls with Audra for her dress fitting...It took about 15 minutes and then we went to a couple fabric stores (She's in a sewing class). We got a nice snowstorm the other day that took away all our pretty green plants. Then that melted and then we got another one, but the snow didn't stick. I basically just went to class this week. Not much exciting happened.

Although I did manage to get into a car accident on Saturday. Two of my roommates and I went to the store and then as we were leaving we started to go through this intersection. Our light was green and we were going straight. Across from us these two guys were in the turning lane. They also had a green light, but they had a sign that told them to yield when making a left-hand turn. The first guy hurried to turn before we got into the intersection. The second guy tried to do the same thing but he didn't have enough time. We nailed him. We got him right in the passenger side of his car. I doubt he can even get that door open anymore. My roommates car (she was driving) faired much better. It just looks like a really bad scratch on her front bumper. With as hard as we hit, it should have been worse. The guy admitted it was his fault and he exchanged info with Kristen. We were all fine, just a little shaken. Actually, I think we all handled in very well. When we hit Audra screamed a little and Kristen swore...I'm not sure what I did, I think I just held on for dear life. We were all wearing our seatbelts, so that was good.

It was kind of weird when it happened. It was like happening in slow motion. I knew that we were going to hit the guy long before it happened, and I sort of just watched it happen. Kristen didn't have time to do anything...She braked as hard as she could...The whole thing could have been a lot worse. So, that was my week in a nutshell.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

For the Love!

So it decided to snow again today. I am so not happy. I thought we were reaching the end of the horrible weather here but nooooo! It had to get cold, windy, and snowy. It was practically a white out. It is supposed to snow again tomorrow! Grrrrr!!!! Here are some quizzes:

find your element

Arty Kid

Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique.

You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented!

You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations - you got 10 out of 10 correct!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Another Month Down...

February finally ended...Now to make it through March. I think that this is going to be the longest month by far. It has 31 days and no breaks. Actually that's not entirely true...Our spring break is the last two days of March, but I'm not going anywhere so it will probably be boring. I don't have a ton of news to report this week.

Keri's friends Shiabon (pronounced Shove-on)is staying with us for nine days. Her and Keri have been friends since they were eleven (they are both from Kansas). Shiabon is going to be baptized next week. When Keri heard the news she started crying. We are all very happy for both of them. Shiabon is great. I really like her. She is very funny, serious, deep, and friendly. She has investigated a half a dozen different religions and she says she feels like her questions were answered when she started investigating our religion. She has got some very in-depth questions. We try to answer them the best that we can, but we are also taking her to all of our religion courses next week so she can ask the teachers as well.

Audra and Richard took their engagement pictures this morning. They turned out really well. Although Audra won't tell you that. She's too critical. They are very cute. We haven't done much this week. Just classes and stuff like that. If I remember anything interesting that we did I will post again soon. Take care everyone!