Wednesday, February 23, 2011


No weight loss this week. This fact makes me a little sad; but, on the plus side, I also didn't gain this week. I am thinking that I was just having an off day when I weighed in and that I will have a bigger loss next week to make up for it. I have been fighting off a cold this week. Fighting, and losing. Today I made it through while battling a fever. So, I got home today and crashed. I have been pretty good about exercising this week; but, due to the fact that I feel like crap, I think I might skip today. Here's hoping for a better week next week.

In happier news, there are only 3 more school days left in February, I have only four day work weeks for the next two weeks, my mom is coming to visit me a week and the end of March, and then I will only have two more months of work after that! I already have no many plans for the next school year!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

5% Goal...

I really should have posted this yesterday, as it was my weigh-in day, but whatever! Yesterday I weighed in and discovered that I have officially met my 5% weight lose goal plus a little! Since the beginning of January, I have lost 11 pounds! Yea! My next big goal will be my 10% goal! I really hope that I can stick with it! It can be really difficult sometimes! I officially hate Valentine's Day because our school had chocolate EVERYWHERE! Plus, in spite of my asking them not too, I got candy from my students. So, I was worried. However, I managed to be good and not indulge!

On top of the Weight Watchers, I have also been trying to exercise. I trade off what I do each day. Some days I will hit the exercise room and use the elliptical, treadmill, or bikes. On the other days I use my Jillian Michaels videos. I love Jillian Michaels, but she totally kicks my butt! I will tell you right now, if you want to discover that you do have abs then do her 6-week six pack video! I am not saying that you will actually get the six-pack in 6 weeks; but you will know your abs are there because they will hurt SO bad the next day! I really hope it pays off! My other favorite video of hers in "30-Day Shred." The workout is 20 minutes (plus 10 minutes for warm-up and cool down). It sounds short, but you are constantly moving. The first time I did it, I can't say that I really noticed a weight loss, but I was stronger and had more endurance. I had also started to see a lot of tone. Try it! Here endeth my sales pitch!

Work is fine. The kids were so crazy on V-day! But we have managed to get back our routine. Today I had my CPR re-certification after school. It was really fast! They have changed a lot of things! I notice this every time I renew. They are trying to make it easier so people will more willing to do it in emergency situations. I think that I have been certified for just over 6 years (I think) and, so far, I have not had to use it (thank goodness)! But I guess a lot of people get so worried that they won't remember everything, or that they will hurt someone, that they are too afraid to get it or do it. My instructor today put it really well, "Don't worry about hurting them. Yes, there is a chance that you will break ribs. But are you really making it worse? If you are at the point where their heart isn't beating and you have to do compressions...they are technically dead. You can't get much worse than that. But if you do compressions, they have a chance of making it." Don't worry about breaking things! It happens! You need to be able to help those in trouble! You can't make the situation worse by doing CPR! As an added bonus, there is that whole good Samaritan law to protect you!

That's about it for this week. I have to judge the district science fair next week, going to the movies this Friday with my awesome team, and hoping that the storm that we have coming in won't get too bad (100 mph winds today that knocked over a billboard and a semi-truck). Oh, and if anyone knows of a good phone that works with DSL filters let me know. I keep getting Internet interference over my phone line, in spite of the filters. I had a tech over to check my line and he told me that sometimes it is the phone that is picking up things. He said it could even be picking up stuff from my neighbors apartment. Booo!!!! Take care all!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Crazy Kids...

This week was very crazy! As my co-worker, Kristy, puts it, "Life as a teacher is never boring." So true. As a new teacher, I need to be JPASed by the principal twice a year (with two observations each time). Well, I finished up my last of observations this week. Now all I have to do is wait for my scores. In the middle of this, I also had to judge our school science fair and had a BUNCH of student drama. There were tampons in the hallway, one of my boys wrote the f-word in the bathroom and was put on in-school suspension, and two of my boys got into a fight at recess. TOO MUCH DRAMA! Then there are the girls in my class who are ALWAYS having disagreements. Their parents keep calling me asking me to change seats and that there kid is being picked on. I am going to start telling them that their kids need to solve their own problems. I am a teacher and I have 29 students in my class. These girls are taking my time and time away from the other kids in my class every time they have a disagreement. I'm done.

In other news...I started Weight Watcher at the beginning of January. I have done the program once before (years ago). I am not going to meetings or anything; I still had some of the old materials and I am doing it on my own. So far, I have lost about ten pounds. There are some weeks where it feels like everything is happening REALLY slowly. But I am determined to stick with it.

So that's about it. There isn't much else going on.