Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Saga is Complete.

I saw Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith tonight. I went with my friend Bethany. We got the tickets in advanced, and it's a good thing that we did because there was a huge line to get in when we arrived. When we finally got into the theater it was packed! We did manage to find some good seats up in front however. There was a ton of previews before hand, but all the movies looked pretty good. The crowd we were with were really enthusiastic, they clapped at everything.

The movie itself I liked. It was a lot better than the second one. There was a lot of action and all loose ends were tied up. It made a good transition into the other movies. However there were a few consistencies. {**Highlight the invisible section to hear my rants, but beware there are spoilers about the film contained within.**} These inconsistencies dealt mainly with the death of Natalie Portman's Padma character. She died during childbirth in the film, but in the other films Leia's character talks about the memories she has of her mother. If her mother died during childbirth than she wouldn't have those memories. But whatever, it was still a really good movie. Go Lucas! Well, that's all for now, the job hunt continues and I am tired.

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