Sunday, September 11, 2005

Okay Mom!

On behalf of my mother, who commented on my lack of posting, I am finally updating. Now I just half to think of some interesting news. I went to the fair yesterday. I went with some of my roommates. It was really fun. We went on two rides, the Zipper and that spaceship one that spins you around until you stick to the walls. You know the one I mean. We ate way too much food! And we saw these HUGE horses. We also saw goats, one let me pet him, it was cool. We left around 8pm and stopped by a gas station on the way home so we could get some Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper's. I'm telling you this is the best soda EVER!

Let's see what else...I'm really excited about going home for Thanksgiving. It will make the semester go by a lot faster...I can't wait. Although Audra did say that if I couldn't go home I could have Thanksgiving at her house. That would have been fun too, but I still want to go home. After I get back I only have, like, twenty days until I come home for Christmas...And I get three weeks off. It is going to be so nice! I can't wait!!

School is going well, if not a little slowly. My teachers are cool, the homework is hard...But what do you expect? I'm hoping I will get back into the swing of things soon, so I don't get too stressed out later on. My roommates and I are going to try and do a lot of fun stuff this semester so that the time goes by faster. Here's hoping that it works. Well, that's all the news I have for now. I hope this satisfied you Mom...If not, I'll try to post again soon. Take care everyone!!

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